Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#12 Blogging with Style

When I first started out as a blogger, I felt isolated and disconnected from the rest of the world (I felt like I was talking to myself). After reading Cool Cat's post, How to Comment Like a King (or Queen!), the point about writing a meaningful comment resonated with me. What do I have to say that's important? Who am I in this whole blogging world? Those are just some of the questions that popped into my mind when I began (and they still arise from time to time). But after awhile (after the newness has worn off a little), I'm discovering how addicting this all can be. I have begun to feel the power of writing to an audience. By interacting with others, I have also gained new ideas and insights. So, while lurking is o.k., I'm beginning to understand the importance of leaving comments from time to time--especially when I feel I have something worthwhile to say (and sometimes even when I don't). And I don't know about everyone else, but I feel compelled to write back to someone after he or she have left a comment. After all, if someone took the time to write a comment, the least I can do is to respond back. While searching around, I stumbled upon this older (slightly different) version of the article above: Ten Blogging Habits that Win by Cool Cat. There are two different things mentioned I find important. First, it mentions the fact the title of each post is important. I know it's the first thing I look for when reading other people's blogs (and also something I know I can improve upon). Second, it mentions the importance of incorporating pictures into your posts. Makes sense! While I do not recommend PhotoBucket (as mentioned in the article), I agree that including pictures makes the reading even more enjoyable. I just haven't quite figured out the best way to do that (besides using flickr or piscasa--neither one helps much here). If anyone knows of a good place to start, please let me know! In the meantime, guess I'm off to lurk (and comment) on other's people's blogs. How fun!


KRM said...

Sometimes the best place to start with pictures is your own digital camera or files of pictures you have taken. We all have a little "artist" lurking inside ;)

VWB said...

i use Flickr Creative Commons or MS clipart for most of mine, unless like krm said, I take my own picutres!

nancym said...

Hi You are the reciient of my random daily blogger response. I too felt more of a blogger identity
after completing Blogging with Style. I like how it told ways to get more chit chat and to stay on topic though I find that really difficult. At time I'd rather write about something personal like food or pets. At first I too felt at a loss for how and what to say. I describe myself as a holey blue jeans style of blogger and include the initials nscu for "no spell check used." Nancy